Romania has recently decided that they won't tolerate temptations that lead to gambling addiction. That's why Romania has announced this late summer 2024 the financing of eight new regional centers for the treatment of addictions in various regions of the country.
This initiative was accepted by President Klaus Iohannis who has co-authored a new decree with the assistance of Romania’s Ministry of Health and Ministry of Justice.
According to the Minister of Justice, Alina Gorghiu, Romanian citizens couldn't enjoy the benefits of public assistance regarding gambling addiction struggles, and only the ones who could afford private clinics or be favored by NGOs were the lucky ones who got treatment options.
For this reason, I think it's important to update any public policy framework with constant evaluations to identify as soon as possible these inequalities so the government can support the people in need and reinsert them again in the workforce.
So far, it is possible to obtain no deposit bonus in Romania online without restrictions because of the flexibility regarding online gambling establishments, but this also must be controlled further in order to avoid the described issues.
Romania is trying hard to keep up with other European countries regarding the quality of life and social support it can offer to its citizens and foreign nationals.
Alina Gorghiu revealed that the National Liberal Party (PNL in Romania) was behind this. Gorghiu, who also belongs to the PNL, stated that she was glad that the PNL pushed with determination for quick implementations to protect the younger generations especially, as well as any citizen in the struggle.
I think it is not a surprise that the PNL is insistent on this matter due to their politics that aim to support liberal economic policies and pro-European Union stances that are characterized by their strong support and welfare for childhood and youngsters. It is also one of the oldest political parties in the country, and center-right foundations have confronted Soviet influence in the past while adapting to the current trends of the EU regarding social rights.
Let's not forget that Romania recently became part of the Schengen area in March 204 in an attempt to increase both economic benefits and political integration. That means that, if the PNL is so influential at this moment, they can promote more EU-friendly politics pushed by their fear of Russia's overbearing influence in the past and the previous disintegration of the PNL — which re-emerged in the 1990s after the falling of Russian communism in Romania.
Although every country has its own regulations, the EU's efforts in establishing a regional framework are making waves across the old continent, and Romania is no exception. The EU's goal is to balance the national interest of a country with the EU directives regarding responsible gambling practices and stricter regulations on cross-border gambling services.
New adjustments have created pressure on licensed operators, which are trying to adjust to the new rates of 20% to 40% on taxes for gambling winnings over 66,750 lei (€13,350). The bigger the winnings, the higher the chunk of tax the licensed operators must pay.
This growing complexity of gambling regulations is also increasing the operational costs of the gambling business in Romania, and the licensed operators are complaining about new and more administrative burdens while adapting to these changes. The competition of illegal gambling sites is also another factor that is annoying the licensed operators.
This April 2024 there was an attempt to introduce a ban on "gambling localities in towns with less than 15,000 registered inhabitants” encouraged by Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu.
However, this was just an executive order that had to become first a federal law that also required a constitutional review according to the Supreme Court of Cassation. These legal and bureaucratic barriers have delayed a more aggressive approach towards illegal and irregulated gambling, but surely, Romania will make them happen.
Amid critics towards Romania's government administration over the last ten years, it has been pinpointed that there has been no census about gambling addiction problems since 2015. Thus, the current percentage of harm and consequences of people struggling with addiction is unknown.
To approximate the current trend, it is necessary to invest resources in global health narrowed to Romania's situation and within the desirable standards that the country is aiming for.
It is positive to notice that, even tho Prime Minister Ciolacu belongs to the central-left ideology block, he has come to accept the PNL initiative about the urgent need to address the problems of people with gambling addiction and provide them with professional assistance as well as a place where they can be helped without the fear of being judged.
Malta-License (EU)
Malta-License (EU)